When I first selected this book to review, my thoughts at the time were that I might learn something interesting about PTSD. People with PTSD suffer every day after their lives are turned upside down due to a traumatic event. I had no clue that I was about to be taken on an amazing journey, following a path paved with astonishing information and shocking facts. The truth about the methods used by mental health practitioners and the pharmaceutical drug industry is equally horrifying and disgusting. The effects of the mind-altering drugs and the soul-destroying tactics of those supposed to aid in human well-being are so clearly and descriptively laid out in this brilliant book.
The author has basically created a detailed map to guide the PTSD affected through the spider web created by mental health professionals, thereby helping themselves to heal safely. I was thrilled, however, to find out that this book is not only helpful to those experiencing PTSD. It is packed with useful information that anyone can use in their day to day lives. Such as the chapter dedicated to explaining all about the misalignment of the vitally important Atlas vertebra and the vast negative effects it can have on your health. After reading this book, my advice to one and all is this: purchase this book and use it to mentally arm yourself with the knowledge it provides! You won’t regret it.
I have to take my hat off to the writer for the amount of time and effort she has put into her work. It takes true dedication and passion; to create something so detailed, and it also takes immense courage to stand up to the powers that be, as they are referred to in the book. With the constant threat of financial aid being taken away and the endless below the belt tactics of mental health practitioners, it’s a miracle that the author is still alive and kicking, let alone fighting back. I love her justified sarcastic stabs here and there, in the direction of those who deserve it most. At the very end of the book, there is a detailed list of all the works written by other authors and professionals that have been referenced, which would be helpful to anyone who wishes to view those works in full detail. All in all, I give this written triumph a double thumbs up!
I would like to explicitly state that there was not a single aspect of this book that I didn’t like. I will be telling anyone who will listen about what I have learnt so that they might pick up something that could be useful to them too. There were a few errors here and there along the way, and for this reason, I do not think that the book was edited by a professional editor. Having said that, the errors were small, and they didn’t affect my reading experience at all.
I would recommend The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Fallacy by H. Nattanya Andersen, to anyone who is suffering from PTSD, and also to readers who are simply interested in this topic and want to know more about it, either to further their own knowledge or to help someone they know, who might be affected by PTSD. The genre of this publication falls under the category of non-fiction.
I am pleased to give this excellent book a rating of 4 out of 4 stars. It deserves nothing less in my opinion.