The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Fallacy, written by H. Nattanya Andersen, is a nonfiction that describes the author’s experience with post-traumatic stress disorder. Nattanya was a flight attendant in a major North American airline for over twenty-five years. During the course of her employment in the airline, she experienced several mishaps. However, the straw that broke the camel’s back was when the engine of a Boeing 727 exploded just five feet from her. The airplane dropped 4000 feet, and death seemed imminent. However, she survived the crash but developed post-traumatic stress disorder.
She embarks on the process of recovery with psychiatrists that were paid for by the airline. She later discovered that the psychiatrists were not interested in her well-being and that her condition was getting worse. Nattanya was treated by 24 psychiatrists; until she decided to take charge of her healing process. Through extensive research in philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, and spirituality, the author obtained very important knowledge, which she applied successfully to achieve healing.
This book is a comprehensive treatise on the causes, symptoms, and effective treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. Through comprehensive study and her personal experience, Nattanya has produced a very detailed work on post-traumatic stress disorder. The treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder prescribed in this book is very holistic. The author combines philosophical, psychological, and spiritual elements to create an effective solution for post-traumatic stress disorder.
This book is really empowering. Nattanya declares that post-traumatic stress disorder is not a mental illness; rather, it is an existential crisis. She encourages people that have post-traumatic stress disorder to emancipate themselves from the shackles of victimhood, psychiatrists, and psychiatric drugs. I consider this book to be an excellent exposition on the inefficacy of the practices prevalent in the orthodox mental healthcare system. I experience post-traumatic stress disorder, and I find her facts to be accurate and her solutions to be effective. This book is exceptionally edited; I did not find any error in it.
To pass her message across to her audience, this author employs a lot of medical and psychiatric jargon. I understand the importance of the use of technical language in this book; however, some readers might find the jargon difficult to appreciate. The technical language did not mar my enjoyment of this superb exposition; hence, I rate it 4 out of 4 stars. If you are facing mental challenges, then you should read this book; it will be of great help.